Banner What We Do

We help industry leaders to discover, implement, and grow with digital technologies.

Felipe Jaramillo Fonnegra - CEO

Aplyca Labs, our innovation unit helps businesses explore and leverage emerging technologies.

Industries & Verticals

We excel in diverse industries, leveraging cross-sector expertise


Industry & market leaders

Logo Grupo Energía Bogotá

The largest energy company in Colombia with a presence in multiple countries.

Logo Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá

The most influential institution in business development in Colombia.

Logo Cine Colombia

The largest cinema chain in Colombia.

Logo Terpel

The largest fuel distribution company in Colombia.

Typical customer profile

  • Publicly traded, large private company, or non-profit

  • Direct access to senior technology and marketing decision-makers

  • Seeking a partner to envision and execute customer-facing projects

  • Recognizes the importance of solutions critical to business operations

  • Looking to partner in long engagements defined in years

& Friends

Logo Contentful
Logo Ibexa
Logo Vercel
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