Open Data is a movement that seeks to share public data on open standards and formats. This initiative enables new levels of collaboration between entities, the general public and distributed systems. Aplyca is committed to these initiatives.

At Aplyca we design and build platforms that support open data for sharing information in standardized and universally used formats. With Open Data initiatives, we provide society with structured information that is generated by governments, institutions and non-profit organizations.

Organizations have a lot of data and information, in different formats and from multiple sources, that require a strategy to make it public and available. Publicly sharing this information facilitates innovation, scientific discoveries and decision-making for the design of public policies, among others.

Open Data Consulting

  • Open Data Strategies

  • APIs development and platforms

  • Migration and data access (ETL)

  • Data structure design

  • Hosting of Open Data platforms

We deploy our Open Data platforms in secure cloud infrastructures, with high availability and fast distribution, ensuring that they comply with the regulated policies and fair use of the data.


[Icon] Access REST

[Icon] Format - JSON

[Icon] Analysis - Tableau

[Icon] Access - GraphQL

[Icon] Format -

[Icon] Analysis - QuickSight

[Icon] Format - RDFa